Ցեղասպանության հիշողությունը բերում է կարեւոր անվտանգային ընկալման։ Միասնական ընկալում պետք է ձեւավորել սրա մասին՝ Հայաստան-Սփյուռք ընդգրկմամբ։ Այսօր դեռ կա ընկալում, որ հայաստանցիները չգիտեն՝ ինչ է Ցեղասպանությունը։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
Հայ երիտասարդները գնում են արտասահմանում սովորում, ես դա շատ խրախուսում եմ, բայց նրանցից շատերը այլևս հետ չեն վերադառնում։ Սա իրոք խնդիր է։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
We all are coming from our childhood. If we want a strong country, if we want to feel proud, we need to start the investment from the children.
A long term program that we may see the results after 20 years.
I am not an expert on behavior science, but as a mother of two and a public health specialist I am sure that with a nationwide program and investment in our children, the future can belong to us.
My dream is to live in my country, from where no one wants to leave!
Karine N., Armenia
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First of all, I salute this great work of analysis and reflection that you have carried out.
Here are my brief remarks:
Tourism. Indeed, the near absence of direct flights and at "comfortable" times is a real brake. Moreover, there is a lack of translated Armenian literature and tourist guides about Armenia in European bookstores. There is an obvious lack of general knowledge about Armenia (culture/art, architecture, music, cuisine...) and its history. It is necessary to publish books for potential tourists who are looking for original and authentic destinations.
Tourism that includes the discovery of Armenia's rich biogeography should be developed (in addition to ecotourism and cultural and religious tourism).
Agriculture: some serious questions to be asked. I will be very cautious with the proposal of intensification in the agricultural field (fertilizers, chemistry/phytosanitary and especially, the seed!). This orientation presents strong environmental and human health risks, as the European experience has shown. Armenia is not an agricultural country that can "feed the world", but it has undeniable assets because Armenia represents a "Hot-spot" of biodiversity and endemism. Thus, more than productivity, it is the promotion (and conservation!) of endemic and local species that should be put forward. Moreover, it would be necessary to think about "seed banks of crops and "wild" plant species" to be developed or to enrich the existing world collections. I see Armenia as a country where organic agricultural production would be largely dominant: these are modern "trends" that can bring a real added value to our agricultural or natural products without such a significant harm to the environment and health of intensive and technological agriculture. The world is in full restructuring and abandonment of intensive agricultural production: we must join this movement and preserve our small country.
" The use of advanced seeds and agricultural technology” - concretely, what are we referring to (not the "Monsanto" type approach, I hope)?
Focus on production of essential products (grains, fodder, pork) to achieve self-sufficiency and food security. Expansion of exports to target countries (Russia, Ukraine, UAE, Saudi Arabia), including fruits, tobacco and wine products.
Why focus on pig farming? One of the most problematic breeding from an ecological point of view! - Only "traditional" extensive breeding, in semi-freedom (like in Corsica or Spain: food by the big oak trees, etc.) could be suitable, in my opinion. Ex. sheep and goats in mountain pastures, etc.
We could promote/export cheeses, dairy products (matsoun type, etc.) in Russia and elsewhere; our canning factories (vegetables, fruits) are famous...
Eventually, "local" spirits.
Reclamation of fallow lands to expand land use by encouraging consolidation to increase production
Attention should be paid to soil depletion (a big problem in the world) and in Europe at present, while Armenia does not have large cultivable areas (except for the Ararat valley).
It is necessary to think about the establishment of the units of treatment - valorization of manure / dung / organic waste in general. Currently, there are organic fertilizers production units (humic and fulvic acids, etc.) which are not very energy consuming and should be installed near the farms/sources of raw materials.
Use of high technologies in agriculture: yes (e.g. use of satellite data for crop management), but taking into account the climatic, geological and edaphic specificities of Armenia - a whole applied science to develop!
In a general way, I noticed serious problems of waste disposal and garbage cans in Armenia (no sorting nor recycling/valorization of waste)...
The energy question is not addressed in the summary, although it is a key question for all the economic and social branches and a sine qua non condition for the independence of the country. What about "renewable" resources (solar, geothermal, hydro...)?
About the management of water resources - France seems to me to be a good example with its watershed approach, applying the "polluter-pays" principle, the mutualization of fees to safeguard the environment... Water is declared a non-alienable national asset.
Education / Teaching: languages - in addition to English, Russian could make a comeback so that Russian specialists can contribute their knowledge. Today, only the generation of the 60-70s still speaks Russian + the diaspora in Russia.
I am not sure that the public education in the USA (except for the big schools and universities) is an example to be taken! Serious problems are well known in the schools (kindergarten, primary, secondary, high school) in the USA. Good examples are Finland and Korea.
Health: Armenia can develop a network of health care centers (in particularly suitable places: mountains, thermal waters, as in Switzerland) or personal services for foreign retirees (especially of Armenian origin).
Industry/ technology: Transition from low-cost outsourcing to specialized value-added services to increase productivity and protect the economy from the growth of multinational corporations
Yes and yes again! Armenia was once known by the production of high value-added goods. It would be necessary to find the fields where specialization and high qualification of workers can be an asset and compete with China and India (electronics, IT...). Moreover, this field will allow the development of partnerships with foreign countries. Quality and originality (at the cutting edge of technology) are the key words for Armenia (like Japan).
I hope that my questions and my personal feeling can help to better formulate the directions to be developed in Armenia.
Maia A., France
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Պետությունը պետք է հաշվի նստի մեր այսօրվա քննարկման հետ ու հասկանա, որ չի կարող զիջման գնալ այն հարցում, որը հարյուր հազարավոր հայեր պահանջում են ճանաչել։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
Reading. Goal is that people respect people, people learn setting goals and working towards them. Armenians do not make debts to buy something luxury. People understand life-long learning is feasible and valuable. Networking is not related to bribery and corruption. Armenians make rational decisions.
1. Create lists of 10 books every modern Armenian should read. It should contain books teaching skills/thinking needed in 21st century and books reminding and inspiring Armenians to be Armenians. “Atomic Habits”, “The Art of Thinking Clearly”, “The Art of Good Life”, “Emotional Intelligence”, “Freakonomics”, “The Richest Man in Babylon”,
2. Make reading books available for everyone. In rural communities, school libraries can work for the first time. We need public libraries like in AUA where anyone can read a book, maybe do some homework without being disturbed. We need to make internet accessible for everyone.
Vardan V., Armenia
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An Armenian is a person with a value system. When he actively participates in certain processes to achieve his goals, then he is already a political person, a committed person. An Armenian is a person who should be able to benefit those around him, regardless of whether there are Armenians around him or not.
Convention Participant
Everyone from the Diaspora and Armenia should become the PR ambassador of Armenia to the world.
Convention Participant
Պետք է օրգանական կապ ստեղծել ՀՀ-ի և Սփյուռքի միջև։ Այս խնդիրները լուծելու համար պետք է լինեն մեխանիզմներ։ Կարելի է ստեղծել թեկուզ խորհրդատվական մարմին, որտեղ կպատասխանեն Հայաստանում բիզնես սկսող սփյուռքահայերի բոլոր հարցերին։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
There is a great connection between Armenia and India which spans over 500 years. The Armenians settlement in India went through great length to protect, preserve and advocate the Armenian Race. The Indian Armenians are one of the only Armenians who with the little population made an everlasting impact within and outside of the Armenian diaspora.
Zaven S., India
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Հայոց ցեղասպանությունը պետք է դիտարկել որպես Հայկական հարցի՝ Հայաստանի և Արցախի հարցերի անբաժանելի մաս։ Հայկական հարցը միայն անցյալի մասին չէ, այլ նաև մեր ներկայի և ապագայի, որի շուրջ ամենօրյա աշխատանք է պետք տանել։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
Being Armenian is not only a wish, but also a duty.