In the case of the development of such events, we will not have a Diaspora in the modern sense after 100 years. Connections and relationships between individual people are important, but they are few. We need connections at the interstate, governmental, and other level, programs that will keep the Diaspora viable.
Convention Participant
Ո՞վ է հայը։ Շատ լայն պիտի նայենք այդ հարցի պատասխանին։ Ով իրեն հայ է համարում, մենք պետք է ընդունենք, որ նա հայ է։ Օրինակ՝ ընտանիքի մի մասը հայ է կամ հատուկ հետաքրքրություն ունեն հայկականի հանդեպ, ուրեմն՝ հայ են։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
ՀՀ-ում դպրոցներն ու մանկապարտեզները պիտի առաքելություն ունենան՝ քաղաքացի ձևավորել։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
I am one of the signatories for The FUTURE ARMENIAN initiative. I live and work in US. I have spent more than 50% of my life in US after moving at the age of 20. I think the 15 goals are a good starting point, but most importantly we need to think of the root causes that led us to where we are today and try to address them.
My view of things that have to be done to reach the 15 goals are:
Revive our education system starting from kindergarten. Work towards making sure the teachers and professors are the highest qualified and best paid jobs in Armenia
To stop and reverse the emigration, ensure basic requirements for life in Armenia are met:
Affordable and high quality Healthcare and Education system
Promise and fulfilment of dignified retirement
Safe military service through technology assistance and professionalism
Help diaspora to reintegrate seamlessly through remote connection then gradual linking and eventual repatriation.
My view of how this could be done is primarily through some serious government policies and investment projects including:
Create technology incubators or tax free economic zones (Digital Health and Biotechnology, Renewable Energy, High Tech etc) that would attract a lot of diaspora and foreigners professionals as well as capital.
Ensure the professionals from above are tightly engaged in education systems in Armenia
Use the outcome of the above activities to strengthen education and safety systems of Armenia
Invest the resulting outcome and value of the above back into economy and education to deepen the process.
These points can be broken down into further details and technicalities.
Grigor B., USA
Everyone from the Diaspora and Armenia should become the PR ambassador of Armenia to the world.
Convention Participant
После просмотра первого эпизода исследования образования в Армении мною было сделано несколько выводов об основных проблемах данного сектора в нашем государстве. Если смотреть со стороны обучающихся, то основной проблемой можно выявить некую потерянность, отсутствие мотивации у обучающихся. Как мне кажется, данные аспекты неразрывно связаны без определенной видимости своего будущего, ученикам как школ, так и высших учебных заведений непонятна цель их действий, при том, что основным мотиватором для них в наше время является материальная составляющая.
Но что, если они будут вступать в каждый этап обучения с понимаем того, что именно даст им этот этап, включающий в себя те или иные предметы. Ведь по сути математика это не только иксы и игреки, это освоение некоторых навыков, например логики и аналитики, которые используются как при изучении иных дисциплин, так и во многих (если не во всех) профессиях. То есть, если у обучающегося будет некий ориентир на предметы, направления и др., возможно его взгляд на обучение изменится с пониманием необходимости той или иной дисциплины, этапа обучения.
Также было бы полезно проводить экскурс профессии не только в устных рассказах, но и подробном представлении ситуации на рынке труда, зарплат, необходимости профессий и требуемых навыков для успешного выполнения деятельности специалиста того или иного направления.
Элеонора А.
Back in July 2020 after the Tavush war, I realized that we, the Armenian diaspora need to do something for Armenia right away. Most Armenians in Diaspora have average paid jobs and unless we combine our resources for a specific well-planned project/s, the resources can be easily dissolved. The initial idea was to streamline the borderline villages in Armenia and Artsakh with building shared infrastructures and services that would motivate the rural population, give them hope about the future, make their lives productive and secure, and even boost tourism. Strong underground shelters; Water /Sewer; Electrical/gas grid/solar power; Rural and inter-village-town roads; Irrigation schemes; Area Center/Farmers Market; Kindergarten/Schools. Many things have changed since then. I however, keep thinking that we in diaspora have to do something NOW, today. The idea is this:
1. Gather likeminded donners, who are willing to commit to a rolling 1-year (or more) monthly contribution of $100.
2. Create a secure website (even thought of a name Մի Ծաղկով Գարուն) for donors, admin and the project team.
3. Find a trustworthy group of professionals who will implement the project/s (I understand the project selection and priorities can be different today).
4. Make all contributions, spending and accomplishments transparent via the website.
5. If one-year pilot is successful continue the initiative for next year/s. These are really high-level points and I am sure many others have suggested similar concepts, but the idea of fixed amount monthly contributions targeted on strategic shared services project/s, and the project implementation transparency might be something that will bring many Armenians together who are eager to do something tangible right away. Some of us have dreams/plans moving back to Armenia one day, working part time for Armenia, etc. These are all good plans, but we need to act now as the circumstances are changing rapidly and we can’t afford delaying what we can do today.
Armine L., USA
1. There is more or less complete data and statistics on the Armenian energy field from 2015-2016. This is one of the issues we should concentrate on – the availability of complete and transparent information.
2. In comparison to other countries in the region and those with compatible conditions with Armenia, according to indexes of energy security, energy consumption, and environmental stability, Armenia is left behind.
3.Data shows that during the past 10 years Armenia has managed to increase energy generation by 30%, in the meantime the energy loss was decreased as well. There still is much potential for decreasing energy loss.
4. There are problems with reliability of energy supply
5. Energy strategy 2040 drawn by the government includes 70 projects in 11 directions. The conclusion we drive from what we have analyzed is that the country needs to put its efforts into:
Developing industry with high added value;
Boosting energy security and independence;
Increasing operational efficiency and reliability;
Enhancing the stability of tariffs;
Improving transparency, reliability, and availability of data and statistics;
Setting long term ambitions yet realistic targets;
Making the most of the current global energy context to the country’s advantages.
6. Most importantly, the key here is to gather a maximum number of field specialists, have brainstorming sessions and proceed from there
7. Armenia has a big potential in solar energy
8. Hydroenergy resourses are used with their maximum capacity, wind power can be used only in some regions , there is a problem with the wind density
Gaik O., Armenia
Being Armenian is not only a wish, but also a duty.
Convention Participant
Պետք է օրգանական կապ ստեղծել ՀՀ-ի և Սփյուռքի միջև։ Այս խնդիրները լուծելու համար պետք է լինեն մեխանիզմներ։ Կարելի է ստեղծել թեկուզ խորհրդատվական մարմին, որտեղ կպատասխանեն Հայաստանում բիզնես սկսող սփյուռքահայերի բոլոր հարցերին։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
Սփյուռքի զավակի համար Հայաստանը նորոգվելու տեղ է։ Սփյուռքը սնվում է հայրենիքից, որքան էլ որ հիմա այն նվաստացած ու խեղճացած լինի։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
Լեզվի համահայկական կազմակերպություն պետք է ստեղծվի։ Մեր ռեսուրսները քիչ են, պիտի այս պահից սկսած ուսուցիչներ պատրաստենք սփյուռքի համար։