Everything depends on our goals. In order to create the future, we need to understand what our heritage is, develop our heritage, create a new value system, and pass this new heritage on to the coming generations.
Convention Participant
We must create a mechanism by which the peoples who experienced Genocide can receive compensation for the losses they suffered.
Convention Participant
We have a problem with spreading information about the opportunities available in Armenia among the Diaspora. It is not enough to say, “It is good here, come enjoy it.” You should also go and present everything specifically.
Convention Participant
I put my name to join The FUTURE ARMENIAN initiative the minute I received the appeal to be part of this "new family".
I call this a family because I believe in the idea of coordinated coexistence like in a family, cooperation by all like in a family and most important of all, the plan and ideal that members of a family work for.
I was watching misters Afeyan's and Vardanyan's interview with Mr. Ghazarian on the Armenian TV and was very much impressed by the vision that the two gentlemen expressed as well as by the plan they had to go forward. Or rather, as Mr. Afeyan brilliantly explained, to come back from the future.
Now, as a diasporan, I see three main obstacles why the Armenian diaspora has not been organized to its optimal capacity over a century:
1. The Armenian "traditional parties."
2. Lack of confidence in diasporans for a collective, unified Armenian efforts.
3. Absence of an organization, non political in nature, not affiliated to "the traditional Armenian parties" and the multi headed Armenian church.
As my first point implies, I see the Armenian parties, specially the ARF as the main obstacle for the creation of a pan Armenian organization that can unite and exploit all our resources, scientific, financial, technical, social, diplomatic, etc. in the Armenian Diaspora.
My plea will be to create such an organization (as suggested and planned by the visionaries of The FUTURE ARMENIAN) and to reach out to each and every Armenian all over the world where everyone will be aware of what his part in planning or action will be.
The Armenian Diaspora has immense potentials and capabilities if and when organized.
Krikor K.
Only the state can unite the efforts of all Armenians, regardless of party, place of residence, and other circumstances. No public organization is able to do that. Our unification should be through the state mechanism. There is no other option.
Convention Participant
Ո՞վ է հայը։ Շատ լայն պիտի նայենք այդ հարցի պատասխանին։ Ով իրեն հայ է համարում, մենք պետք է ընդունենք, որ նա հայ է։ Օրինակ՝ ընտանիքի մի մասը հայ է կամ հատուկ հետաքրքրություն ունեն հայկականի հանդեպ, ուրեմն՝ հայ են։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
We all are coming from our childhood. If we want a strong country, if we want to feel proud, we need to start the investment from the children.
A long term program that we may see the results after 20 years.
I am not an expert on behavior science, but as a mother of two and a public health specialist I am sure that with a nationwide program and investment in our children, the future can belong to us.
My dream is to live in my country, from where no one wants to leave!
Karine N., Armenia
There should be online platforms for training Armenian teachers.
Convention Participant
Հայ երիտասարդները գնում են արտասահմանում սովորում, ես դա շատ խրախուսում եմ, բայց նրանցից շատերը այլևս հետ չեն վերադառնում։ Սա իրոք խնդիր է։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
«ԱՊԱԳԱ ՀԱՅԿԱԿԱՆԸ» նախ և առաջ հոգեբանորեն փորձում է վերականգնել հույսը, որ յուրաքանչյուր հայ ունի հնարավորություն գործելու, ճիշտ ընտրված թիմը, էլ ավելի է ներշնչում վստահություն, որ յուրաքանչյուրս կարող ենք գործել: Ինձ որպես արցախցու, մտահոգում է Արցախի և Հայաստանի կապը, և 15 նպատակներից, ամենաշատը կենտրոնացած եմ այդ կետի վրա:
Լուսինե Ս․, Հայաստան
An Armenian is a person with a value system. When he actively participates in certain processes to achieve his goals, then he is already a political person, a committed person. An Armenian is a person who should be able to benefit those around him, regardless of whether there are Armenians around him or not.
Convention Participant
I suggest that we as community come up with strategy initiatives, and give opportunity for the signatories to join the initiatives they can add value the most. During one of the calls with Ruben Vardanyan, he was mentioning the importance of having focus areas, which have the most potential to grow and develop in Armenia. I completely agree with his thinking and believe that The FUTURE ARMENIAN can start with a few focus industries, such as Tech, Education, Agritech, etc. Later, each industry will have separate initiatives which people can actively contribute to. This will not only help set actionable goals, but also will improve the sense of community. The signatories will get to know each other, work together, and hopefully even more people around the world will become signatories, as they will be able to come and contribute with something they are passionate about.