Exercising possibilities. Aim is moving towards an environment where being healthy and exercising is normal while drinking/smoking/drugs are frowned upon. It is contrary to that now.
1. Build small outdoor sports grounds in every community. A minimum set like horizontal bars, parallel bars, and stepping platforms will work.
2. Those can be built for cheap from old materials. If people make the playgrounds by themselves, the value of the program will be higher
3. It can be started by videos in YouTube/Social networks showing how to build a playground, and popularizing calisthenics.
Vardan V., Armenia
There is a shortage of Armenian teachers in Armenian schools abroad. I think low pay is also one of the reasons. Armenia is obliged to take care of that. It is possible to send teachers for a certain period of time and provide them with a place of residence and a salary.
Convention Participant
Only the state can unite the efforts of all Armenians, regardless of party, place of residence, and other circumstances. No public organization is able to do that. Our unification should be through the state mechanism. There is no other option.
Convention Participant
I am sure biotechnology has been considered as one of the prospective directions for building the future in Armenia. I hope it would be possible to create a group that could connect scientists working in different universities and companies with scientists in Armenia to discuss what kind of help is needed and what can be built together.
Here is what I could bring to table:
Part of my job is to develop monoclonal antibodies for research and diagnostic purposes in medicine. I could help establish a similar laboratory that could serve the local needs, to start with.
Maybe some of the companies, producing commercial antibodies would choose to open an R&D and manufacturing laboratory in Armenia, if we have well trained personnel.
This might seem to be a very small-scale endeavor, but it will boost the research and clinical science.
Another suggestion is to create a group that would help connect local science to business. The potential of students in Armenia and abroad could be utilized. I have an idea of a project:
The copper mining is one of the major components of our industry. New, more eco-friendly methods of precipitating copper from ore are being utilized worldwide. Bioleaching is one of them; it is essentially using bacteria to precipitate copper (or other metals) from low metal containing ore. Usually, the companies patent the consortium of bacteria.
Scientists from ArmBiotechnology in Yerevan (please see the reference below) have isolated a consortium of bacteria from ore in Kapan that can efficiently be used for this purpose. We could use student engineers to create bioreactors for mining copper from leftover ore by bioleaching, thus employing local people and cleaning the environment.
Susanna B., USA/Armenia
Preservation of statehood is an important guarantee of our security. Responsibility should not be forgotten, compensation should be achieved, and the role of the state is important here. A strategy in this regard should be developed at the state level.
Convention Participant
It is not necessary to say that there is no trust; it is necessary to create structures that will support and contribute to the strengthening of Armenia-Diaspora trust.
Convention Participant
We need to develop minimal and maximal concepts and programs. The minimum is the preservation and evaluation of the existing state. The maximum is that which can be reached in principle and can be achieved in practice.
Convention Participant
Одно общее соображение. Было бы полезно иметь платформу по типу корпоративного интранета, где можно было хранить, редактировать, выставлять промежуточные и окончательные документы.
Гарантия суверенитета.
Необходимо создать мониторинговую систему оценки:
1. Геополитических рисков. Оценка таких рисков производилась бы на основе комплексного анализа стран ближайшего окружения. Результат выражался тремя цветами - зеленым, желтым и красным.
2. Оценки устремлений стран в окружении Армении и stakeholder-ов, влияющих на геополитическую ситуацию.
3. Оценки Вооруженных сил Армении и стран в окружении Армении и stakeholder-ов, влияющих на геополитическую ситуацию.
На основе данных мониторинговой системы констатировать угрозы суверенитету РА, вырабатывать рекомендации для дипломатических органов и Вооруженных сил РА.
Группа целей Диаспора и Наука
Считаю, что одним из мощных стимулов усиления Единства может быть общая политическая деятельность, основанная на возможности выбирать или быть избранным в парламент РА. Здесь можно поставить целью организацию всемирных выборов в парламент РА по электронному голосованию на основе технологии blockchain и на основе этой технологии создать ряд государственных и общественных цифровых экосистем.
Александр А., Россия
In the case of the development of such events, we will not have a Diaspora in the modern sense after 100 years. Connections and relationships between individual people are important, but they are few. We need connections at the interstate, governmental, and other level, programs that will keep the Diaspora viable.
Convention Participant
I am one of the signatories for The FUTURE ARMENIAN initiative. I live and work in US. I have spent more than 50% of my life in US after moving at the age of 20. I think the 15 goals are a good starting point, but most importantly we need to think of the root causes that led us to where we are today and try to address them.
My view of things that have to be done to reach the 15 goals are:
Revive our education system starting from kindergarten. Work towards making sure the teachers and professors are the highest qualified and best paid jobs in Armenia
To stop and reverse the emigration, ensure basic requirements for life in Armenia are met:
Affordable and high quality Healthcare and Education system
Promise and fulfilment of dignified retirement
Safe military service through technology assistance and professionalism
Help diaspora to reintegrate seamlessly through remote connection then gradual linking and eventual repatriation.
My view of how this could be done is primarily through some serious government policies and investment projects including:
Create technology incubators or tax free economic zones (Digital Health and Biotechnology, Renewable Energy, High Tech etc) that would attract a lot of diaspora and foreigners professionals as well as capital.
Ensure the professionals from above are tightly engaged in education systems in Armenia
Use the outcome of the above activities to strengthen education and safety systems of Armenia
Invest the resulting outcome and value of the above back into economy and education to deepen the process.
These points can be broken down into further details and technicalities.
Grigor B., USA
Հայոց ցեղասպանությունը պետք է դիտարկել որպես Հայկական հարցի՝ Հայաստանի և Արցախի հարցերի անբաժանելի մաս։ Հայկական հարցը միայն անցյալի մասին չէ, այլ նաև մեր ներկայի և ապագայի, որի շուրջ ամենօրյա աշխատանք է պետք տանել։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
We have a problem with spreading information about the opportunities available in Armenia among the Diaspora. It is not enough to say, “It is good here, come enjoy it.” You should also go and present everything specifically.