In my opinion the best way to unite the diaspora and particularly the younger diaspora is to connect them physically through amazing events and experiences and with purpose. This logically makes sense before trying to unite through purpose alone. Through travel events throughout the world disparate members of our culture come together for fun, unity, and entertainment, and at a cost lower than a regular vacation while supporting Armenian business and causes. It is gaining momentum with millennials and gen z and I would like to share progress and combine efforts if it supports your goal #5, to: Transform the relationship between Armenia and the Diaspora into one based on mutualism and trust.
Rob B., USA
1. Education must be at the top of the political agenda, number one priority for the government
Organize high-level discussions with all the stakeholders (students, teachers, experts from all the sectors of economy )
2. We don't have an appropriate education system, creativity environment in schools, which creates uncertainty in education
3. Feedback loop is not working in education sector, problems are usually not reveled as a result of implemented research
4. We should start reforms in education sectors from two aspects: reforms in adults' education and in preprimary education
When children see adults that aren't learning, they don't want to learn as well
5. Governance in education should become a little bit psychological, like in business. Value the role of psychology in education
6. Educational reform can't be imported, it can be created and developed
7. Teacher attestation has one positive side – as a result, those who pass it will get higher salaries. This will also motivate those who start off their careers as teachers to aim for higher-paid jobs. On the other hand, the attestation system creates other, bigger scale problems: not necessarily all those who pass the attestation perform well as teachers in the classroom. So, what’s the index of a good teacher – we need to start from there. Additionaly, good test takers and subject experts are very different concepts
Serob Kh., Armenia
It may be right for other nations not to think so much about national problems and live their own lives, but this does not work for us, because we are still under the threat of genocide.
Convention Participant
It is necessary to clearly understand what the recognition of the Armenian Genocide gives us, Armenians.
Convention Participant
Only the state can unite the efforts of all Armenians, regardless of party, place of residence, and other circumstances. No public organization is able to do that. Our unification should be through the state mechanism. There is no other option.
Convention Participant
Առանց թերագնահատելու թիմերի կատարած աշխատանքները, փորձեմ լրացում անել, (եթե ընդունելի է) գյուղատնտեսության ոլորտի վերաբերյալ: Առաջնորդվելով բազմամյա տարիների աշխատանքային փորձից, հմտություններից ու ձեռքբերումներից առաջարկում եմ. ռազմավարական քայլերի գերակա նախաձեռնություններ սյունակում կամ մեկ կետ ավելացնել, կամ ցանքատարածությունների վերամշակում տողում ավելացնել՝ զարգացնել փոքր հողակտորների մշակության առաջավոր, ճկուն և շարժուն տեխնոլոգիաներ: Մշակաբույսերի ցանկակազմի դիվերսիֆիկացիա բարձրարժեք տեսականիով (հատկապես յուղատու, եթերայուղատու, համեմունքային բույսեր), հիմնավորելով փոքր ծավալ մեծ արժեք կարգախոսով:
Գնել Մ․, Հայաստան
ՀՀ-ում դպրոցներն ու մանկապարտեզները պիտի առաքելություն ունենան՝ քաղաքացի ձևավորել։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
I put my name to join The FUTURE ARMENIAN initiative the minute I received the appeal to be part of this "new family".
I call this a family because I believe in the idea of coordinated coexistence like in a family, cooperation by all like in a family and most important of all, the plan and ideal that members of a family work for.
I was watching misters Afeyan's and Vardanyan's interview with Mr. Ghazarian on the Armenian TV and was very much impressed by the vision that the two gentlemen expressed as well as by the plan they had to go forward. Or rather, as Mr. Afeyan brilliantly explained, to come back from the future.
Now, as a diasporan, I see three main obstacles why the Armenian diaspora has not been organized to its optimal capacity over a century:
1. The Armenian "traditional parties."
2. Lack of confidence in diasporans for a collective, unified Armenian efforts.
3. Absence of an organization, non political in nature, not affiliated to "the traditional Armenian parties" and the multi headed Armenian church.
As my first point implies, I see the Armenian parties, specially the ARF as the main obstacle for the creation of a pan Armenian organization that can unite and exploit all our resources, scientific, financial, technical, social, diplomatic, etc. in the Armenian Diaspora.
My plea will be to create such an organization (as suggested and planned by the visionaries of The FUTURE ARMENIAN) and to reach out to each and every Armenian all over the world where everyone will be aware of what his part in planning or action will be.
The Armenian Diaspora has immense potentials and capabilities if and when organized.
Krikor K.
Առաջարկում եմ այնպիսի ծրագիր, որը կօգնի դրսում ապրող, սակայն վերադառնալ ցանկացող ընտանիքին հաստատվել Հայաստանում: Պայմանով, որ ժամանակի ընթացքում նա կվերադարձնի աստիճանաբար այդ օգնությունը՝ նպաստելով մյուս ընտանիքների վերադարձին:
Համաժողովի մասնակից
Անհատական է մոտեցումը, երբ խոսքը վերաբերում է ինքնության պահպանությանը։ Մեծապես ծնողի որոշումից է կախված՝ իր երեխան կխոսի՞ հայերեն, թե՞ ոչ։ Կարևոր է կիրակնօրյա դպրոցի դերը և երիտասարդական զանազան միությունների առկայությունը։ Համայնքների դերը նույնպես կարևոր է։ Պետք է ճիշտ ուղղորդել երեխաներին։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
Back in July 2020 after the Tavush war, I realized that we, the Armenian diaspora need to do something for Armenia right away. Most Armenians in Diaspora have average paid jobs and unless we combine our resources for a specific well-planned project/s, the resources can be easily dissolved. The initial idea was to streamline the borderline villages in Armenia and Artsakh with building shared infrastructures and services that would motivate the rural population, give them hope about the future, make their lives productive and secure, and even boost tourism. Strong underground shelters; Water /Sewer; Electrical/gas grid/solar power; Rural and inter-village-town roads; Irrigation schemes; Area Center/Farmers Market; Kindergarten/Schools. Many things have changed since then. I however, keep thinking that we in diaspora have to do something NOW, today. The idea is this:
1. Gather likeminded donners, who are willing to commit to a rolling 1-year (or more) monthly contribution of $100.
2. Create a secure website (even thought of a name Մի Ծաղկով Գարուն) for donors, admin and the project team.
3. Find a trustworthy group of professionals who will implement the project/s (I understand the project selection and priorities can be different today).
4. Make all contributions, spending and accomplishments transparent via the website.
5. If one-year pilot is successful continue the initiative for next year/s. These are really high-level points and I am sure many others have suggested similar concepts, but the idea of fixed amount monthly contributions targeted on strategic shared services project/s, and the project implementation transparency might be something that will bring many Armenians together who are eager to do something tangible right away. Some of us have dreams/plans moving back to Armenia one day, working part time for Armenia, etc. These are all good plans, but we need to act now as the circumstances are changing rapidly and we can’t afford delaying what we can do today.
Armine L., USA
We all are coming from our childhood. If we want a strong country, if we want to feel proud, we need to start the investment from the children.
A long term program that we may see the results after 20 years.
I am not an expert on behavior science, but as a mother of two and a public health specialist I am sure that with a nationwide program and investment in our children, the future can belong to us.
My dream is to live in my country, from where no one wants to leave!