Պետք է օրգանական կապ ստեղծել ՀՀ-ի և Սփյուռքի միջև։ Այս խնդիրները լուծելու համար պետք է լինեն մեխանիզմներ։ Կարելի է ստեղծել թեկուզ խորհրդատվական մարմին, որտեղ կպատասխանեն Հայաստանում բիզնես սկսող սփյուռքահայերի բոլոր հարցերին։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
I have an idea that I would like to share with you, in the hope that this can be realized in the near future.
I believe that any Armenian of good faith would agree to such a proposal because it could bring Armenia out of the current situation and grow the country as a modern and advanced state. We Armenians have a human richness that few other peoples in the world, except perhaps the Jews who have had situations similar to the Armenian people throughout history. This rare richness is the rich Armenian Diaspora with talented characters in different sectors and with experiences acquired by the States of residence. A concrete way to exploit this wealth could be to include in the Constitution of the Country:
1. A Superior Senate to oversee the Armenian Parliament, with tasks and powers of verification, requests for amendments or approvals, and issuance of approvals for the repeal of any Law
2. The members of the Senate should be elected by all the Armenian people including Armenians of the Diaspora, even if they do not hold Armenian citizenship.
3. The candidates of these elections, not necessarily citizens, must be people with high professional qualifications and willing to devote at least 30% of their time to issues concerning Armenia and follow a specific course of legislation to act in this Senate.
4. In this way none of them could be maneuvered or threatened or routed by the authorities of the Armenian government, and make truly free decisions for the sole good of Armenia.
5. The Senate itself should be able to review the various institutions of the State by making adjustments and raising the qualification of local institutions, on a par or better than other States in the world.
6. The participation of the Armenians of diaspora, in addition to participating in the elections of the "Upper Senate", must also include participation in assessing mandatory taxation, expenses (for example military expenses), management, and verification by the S.S.
To achieve such a system of government, the impetus should come from the Armenian citizens, who must first be informed of the possibility of carrying out such a plan. To this end an organization of people endowed with intelligence, financial dispositions and patriotism could promote the initiative of informing through the media and internet all Armenians of the Diaspora and RoA for the realization of the plan giving their support to the organization to achieve the proposed goal.
I am not a Legislator to draw up a specific Road Map, but the relevant experts and appropriate people can be appointed for this purpose, I believe that every Armenian of the Armenian Republic or the Diaspora will agree to the realization of such a plan.
Who knows if such an action will be carried out or is it just my utopia?
Heratch A., Italy
Այս տիպի միջոցառումները շատ լավ գաղափար են, օրինակ, Հայաստան-Սփյուռք չընդհատվող կապի համար։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
I was born abroad, and I am the 4th generation to be born there, but the first language I spoke was Armenian. In other cities of my country, the communities are well organized, the children want to go to school, the camps are organized, but if Armenia has to do something, it should be done through "soft power," in the form of fairy tale books and materials. They should exist and be spread.
Convention Participant
We must continue to educate. Education will provide us with distinct abilities so that we can respond correctly and quickly to the changing situation and advance our interests.
Convention Participant
Очень рад запуску инициативы The FUTURE ARMENIAN. Патронаж столь известных деятелей вселяет надежду на то, что в ее формате удастся объединить экспертов из различных сфер, связанных с государственным строительством и выработать некую концепцию или план действий, который можно будет донести до руководства страны.
Хорошо, что ставка сделана именно на системный подход, так как многие беды Армении связаны именно с его отсутствием. Тем не менее, на мой взгляд, перечисленные 15 целей нуждаются в некоторой доработке и переформулировании.
Например, ""Историческая ответственность"" трактуется слишком узко. Слава Богу, наша история состоит не только из Геноцида. Плюс, этот пункт фактически дублирует ""Сохранение наследия"".
Вообще, мне показалось, что цели сформулированы немного фрагментарно, т.е. они не образуют некую замкнутую логическую систему. Если планируются дискуссии по этим вопросам, то не лучше ли сначала попытаться сформулировать стратегическую цель, а потом подтянуть под нее действия, которые необходимо предпринять в различных сферах, связанных с государственным строительством?
Например, так:
Цель: Построить высокоразвитое и демократическое Армянское государство, способное обеспечить собственную безопасность.
Задачи. Определить принципы оптимального устройства:
1. Внутриполитической системы;
2. Внешнеполитической деятельности;
3. Отношений Армения-Диаспора;
4. Отношений Армения-Арцах;
5. Экономической системы;
6. Государственного управления и борьбы с коррупцией;
7. Судебной системы;
8. Вооруженных сил;
9. Системы образования, науки и технологий.
Это позволило бы лучше структурировать будущие обсуждения: говорить более предметно, избежать дублирования, уйти в ходе дискуссий от лишнего пафоса и пр.
Павел С.
People spend a lot of time on YouTube and social networks, they should have options for something useful and interesting in Armenian:
1. There is no quality internet content in Armenian. We need good Armenian YouTube channels, especially something that will be interesting for children too. In its absence, children watch stupid Russian videos or any scam like that.
2. First step could be translating the best YouTube channels/TED talks into Armenian.
Vardan V., Armenia
Back in July 2020 after the Tavush war, I realized that we, the Armenian diaspora need to do something for Armenia right away. Most Armenians in Diaspora have average paid jobs and unless we combine our resources for a specific well-planned project/s, the resources can be easily dissolved. The initial idea was to streamline the borderline villages in Armenia and Artsakh with building shared infrastructures and services that would motivate the rural population, give them hope about the future, make their lives productive and secure, and even boost tourism. Strong underground shelters; Water /Sewer; Electrical/gas grid/solar power; Rural and inter-village-town roads; Irrigation schemes; Area Center/Farmers Market; Kindergarten/Schools. Many things have changed since then. I however, keep thinking that we in diaspora have to do something NOW, today. The idea is this:
1. Gather likeminded donners, who are willing to commit to a rolling 1-year (or more) monthly contribution of $100.
2. Create a secure website (even thought of a name Մի Ծաղկով Գարուն) for donors, admin and the project team.
3. Find a trustworthy group of professionals who will implement the project/s (I understand the project selection and priorities can be different today).
4. Make all contributions, spending and accomplishments transparent via the website.
5. If one-year pilot is successful continue the initiative for next year/s. These are really high-level points and I am sure many others have suggested similar concepts, but the idea of fixed amount monthly contributions targeted on strategic shared services project/s, and the project implementation transparency might be something that will bring many Armenians together who are eager to do something tangible right away. Some of us have dreams/plans moving back to Armenia one day, working part time for Armenia, etc. These are all good plans, but we need to act now as the circumstances are changing rapidly and we can’t afford delaying what we can do today.
Armine L., USA
1. The main problem in governance, economy, etc is uncertainty
2. Economic aspect of Eurasian Economic Union will be complete if countries of Middle Asian countries will be a common economic zone without having common borders
3. GDP distribution is more important that its absolute value, when measuring economic development
4. Education creates gross value added, however there is a gap between labor market and academia
5. It is important to increase integration between Armenia and Artsakh and use the whole economic potential of Artsakh
6. Artsakh has good environment for agriculture (Intensive gardens, smart barns), and huge educational potencial
7. Education is the key for our country's development
8. We don't have good governance, strategic and institutional approach
9. It's important to formulate a vision
Vahagn Kh., Armenia
1. When building alliances, it is important to develop different scenarios and understand their peculiarities, so it will be possible to flexibly switch from one to another.
2. Economically strengthen and develop Artsakh, ensure security
3. Artsakh have many opportunities in dipital sphere(IT)
4. Smart businesses and investing in startups is important in long-term prospective
5. Important to collaborate and import human resources to Armenia and Artsakh from Diaspora
David A., Armenia
Առաջարկում եմ այնպիսի ծրագիր, որը կօգնի դրսում ապրող, սակայն վերադառնալ ցանկացող ընտանիքին հաստատվել Հայաստանում: Պայմանով, որ ժամանակի ընթացքում նա կվերադարձնի աստիճանաբար այդ օգնությունը՝ նպաստելով մյուս ընտանիքների վերադարձին:
Համաժողովի մասնակից
There is a great connection between Armenia and India which spans over 500 years. The Armenians settlement in India went through great length to protect, preserve and advocate the Armenian Race. The Indian Armenians are one of the only Armenians who with the little population made an everlasting impact within and outside of the Armenian diaspora.