The problem in the Diaspora is that it is not a systematic, functioning structure. It is not a model. People are united in religious or political groups, but there should be a model that unites everyone regardless of those circumstances.
Convention Participant
In my opinion the best way to unite the diaspora and particularly the younger diaspora is to connect them physically through amazing events and experiences and with purpose. This logically makes sense before trying to unite through purpose alone. Through travel events throughout the world disparate members of our culture come together for fun, unity, and entertainment, and at a cost lower than a regular vacation while supporting Armenian business and causes. It is gaining momentum with millennials and gen z and I would like to share progress and combine efforts if it supports your goal #5, to: Transform the relationship between Armenia and the Diaspora into one based on mutualism and trust.
Rob B., USA
We must have an ideology, and we must create a mutually beneficial channel between Armenia and the Diaspora so that one can benefit from the other.
Convention Participant
We must create a mechanism by which the peoples who experienced Genocide can receive compensation for the losses they suffered.
Convention Participant
Կարելի է հեռավար կերպով հայոց լեզվի դասընթացներ կազմակերպել։ Կենտրոնը լինի Երևանը, որտեղից դասեր կանցկացվեն տարբեր երկրներ համար։ Տարիներ անց արդյունքները տեսանելի կլինեն, լեզվին զուգահեռ մշակույթը ևս կփոխանցվի։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
I suggest that we as community come up with strategy initiatives, and give opportunity for the signatories to join the initiatives they can add value the most. During one of the calls with Ruben Vardanyan, he was mentioning the importance of having focus areas, which have the most potential to grow and develop in Armenia. I completely agree with his thinking and believe that The FUTURE ARMENIAN can start with a few focus industries, such as Tech, Education, Agritech, etc. Later, each industry will have separate initiatives which people can actively contribute to. This will not only help set actionable goals, but also will improve the sense of community. The signatories will get to know each other, work together, and hopefully even more people around the world will become signatories, as they will be able to come and contribute with something they are passionate about.
Suzie M., UK
People spend a lot of time on YouTube and social networks, they should have options for something useful and interesting in Armenian:
1. There is no quality internet content in Armenian. We need good Armenian YouTube channels, especially something that will be interesting for children too. In its absence, children watch stupid Russian videos or any scam like that.
2. First step could be translating the best YouTube channels/TED talks into Armenian.
Vardan V., Armenia
One of the ways to preserve the heritage is to enrich it in a new way, to add something new to the existing one.
Convention Participant
Անհատական է մոտեցումը, երբ խոսքը վերաբերում է ինքնության պահպանությանը։ Մեծապես ծնողի որոշումից է կախված՝ իր երեխան կխոսի՞ հայերեն, թե՞ ոչ։ Կարևոր է կիրակնօրյա դպրոցի դերը և երիտասարդական զանազան միությունների առկայությունը։ Համայնքների դերը նույնպես կարևոր է։ Պետք է ճիշտ ուղղորդել երեխաներին։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
There is a great connection between Armenia and India which spans over 500 years. The Armenians settlement in India went through great length to protect, preserve and advocate the Armenian Race. The Indian Armenians are one of the only Armenians who with the little population made an everlasting impact within and outside of the Armenian diaspora.
Zaven S., India
Ծնելիության թվի նվազումը և արտագաղթի հիմնական պատճառները կապված է անվտանգային հարցերի, անարդարության մթնոլորտի և սոցիալական վատ վիճակի հետ։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
I hope the future of Armenia includes women; its success depends on inclusiveness.
There are countless women that are contributing to Armenia. Often, they work quietly and in the background. That does not mean that they do not have a vision or a strategy, it just means we as a community are not highlighting their voices.