I was born abroad, and I am the 4th generation to be born there, but the first language I spoke was Armenian. In other cities of my country, the communities are well organized, the children want to go to school, the camps are organized, but if Armenia has to do something, it should be done through "soft power," in the form of fairy tale books and materials. They should exist and be spread.
Convention Participant
Both the Diaspora and Armenia should work toward the establishment of democracy in Turkey, because that is one of the main paths toward recognition of the Genocide.
Convention Participant
I think that the Diaspora should play an active role in the internal life of Armenia, but our statesmen are not friendly and make even starting a business here a big headache.
Convention Participant
Reading. Goal is that people respect people, people learn setting goals and working towards them. Armenians do not make debts to buy something luxury. People understand life-long learning is feasible and valuable. Networking is not related to bribery and corruption. Armenians make rational decisions.
1. Create lists of 10 books every modern Armenian should read. It should contain books teaching skills/thinking needed in 21st century and books reminding and inspiring Armenians to be Armenians. “Atomic Habits”, “The Art of Thinking Clearly”, “The Art of Good Life”, “Emotional Intelligence”, “Freakonomics”, “The Richest Man in Babylon”,
2. Make reading books available for everyone. In rural communities, school libraries can work for the first time. We need public libraries like in AUA where anyone can read a book, maybe do some homework without being disturbed. We need to make internet accessible for everyone.
Vardan V., Armenia
Սփյուռքում ապրող յուրաքանչյուր հայ իրեն պետք է համարի Հայաստանի մշակութային դեսպանը։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
There is a shortage of Armenian teachers in Armenian schools abroad. I think low pay is also one of the reasons. Armenia is obliged to take care of that. It is possible to send teachers for a certain period of time and provide them with a place of residence and a salary.
Convention Participant
I have lived in three European countries as a professional expat. And in every single place I could see how difficult it was to integrate with the Armenian community. The Armenian embassy in that country has no clue how many Armenians are in there, what is their occupation, how can they be useful for the community and for Armenia etc. Neither the church takes the mission to unify people. There are clear layers depending on the time and cause of immigration. So you are either a descendent of the Genocide survivor and/or Dashnak, either you came during 1990s or you came to study/ work. So these layers live in separate bubbles and don't interact with each other. During 2020 war the ice has been broken and there was a period when these layers became transparent and people were looking all to the same place for the same goal. We should work towards making us all unified be it in Paris, in Brussels or in Moscow. I think Armenian embassies and churches can be helpful to unify the communities in each country be it via brainstorming sessions, cultural events, volunteering jobs or anyhow. My suggestion may sound not concrete, but as someone living in diaspora and someone who is looking for ways to be helpful for her country, I find this one of the pain points of our diaspora. By solving this we will move 1 step closer towards the strong diaspora. Best regards from the Netherlands,
Anahit A., Netherlands
Հաճախ Սփյուռքից բարձրաձայնված խնդիրներն ու հարցերն ավելի լավ են հնչում, քան Հայաստանից ասվածները։ Սփյուռքն այս առումով կարող է ծրագրային մեծ առաջարկներ իրականացնել։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
Հայաստան-Սփյուռք շփումը պետք է լինի ծնող-զավակ համատեքստում։ Սփյուռքը, որպես կայացած «զավակ», միշտ պետք է ուշադիր լինի «հիվանդ ծնողի»՝ Հայաստանի նկատմամբ։
Համաժողովի մասնակից
1. There is more or less complete data and statistics on the Armenian energy field from 2015-2016. This is one of the issues we should concentrate on – the availability of complete and transparent information.
2. In comparison to other countries in the region and those with compatible conditions with Armenia, according to indexes of energy security, energy consumption, and environmental stability, Armenia is left behind.
3.Data shows that during the past 10 years Armenia has managed to increase energy generation by 30%, in the meantime the energy loss was decreased as well. There still is much potential for decreasing energy loss.
4. There are problems with reliability of energy supply
5. Energy strategy 2040 drawn by the government includes 70 projects in 11 directions. The conclusion we drive from what we have analyzed is that the country needs to put its efforts into:
Developing industry with high added value;
Boosting energy security and independence;
Increasing operational efficiency and reliability;
Enhancing the stability of tariffs;
Improving transparency, reliability, and availability of data and statistics;
Setting long term ambitions yet realistic targets;
Making the most of the current global energy context to the country’s advantages.
6. Most importantly, the key here is to gather a maximum number of field specialists, have brainstorming sessions and proceed from there
7. Armenia has a big potential in solar energy
8. Hydroenergy resourses are used with their maximum capacity, wind power can be used only in some regions , there is a problem with the wind density
Gaik O., Armenia
I am a Diaspora Armenian born and raised in California, the daughter of genocide survivors, a physician and biotech expert who has volunteered in Armenia for multiple years in health-related areas.My comments come from the perspective of someone who has tried to be helpful, but who encountered multiple barriers.My suggestions below are cross-cutting and address multiple goals.1)Create a Diaspora-Armenia Innovation and Business Park/Centera.Such an entity would not only attract many more diaspora Armenians to open businesses in Armenia, but it would also create jobs and potentially an economic boom for the country. Jobs would be needed to support all the activities noted below, to support the new businesses and to support the increased number of people engaged in business activities (down-stream impact on restaurants, stores, services etc)b.This would be both a physical brick and mortar office park and a virtual office park whose mission is to make it easy to start a business and that overcomes well-known barriers (corruption, complicated laws and regulations, socio-cultural issues, and so forth). Locations would be in Yerevan and ideally one in each Marz.c.Provide business support services and education to diaspora Armenians, essentially create a business start-up tool-kitd.Provide human resources services to help with hiring and employee management.e.Provide practical educational services such as language classes (Eastern Armenian, Western Armenian, Russian, English, French), legal requirements and responsibilities in Armenia, how to set up vendor and contractor contracts in Armenia, socio-political topics, market research topics and so forth. Essentially anything that a diaspora businessperson would need to know to successfully open and manage a business in Armenia.f.Access to trustworthy, honest, high quality business support service providers that are fully vetted (e.g. attorneys, accountants, IT experts) g.Training programs for Armenia citizens to give them the skills needed by the new businesses (this could be a separate entity that contracts with the Innovation and Business Park/Centerh.Access to a variety of physical office spaces that can be rented or purchased.i.Access to executive apartments (long term and short-term rentals) that meet western standards of quality.j.Provide security solutions to businesses to prevent damage and theft (physical and digital).k.Liaison to government authorities to ensure government is able to address diaspora business people’s needs (e.g. 2)Develop in-country Armenia expertise in Eurasia Economic Union capabilitiesa.Given that as of this month all pharmaceutical and biotech approvals must now go through the EAEU and which gives any product approved in one country full reciprocity/approval in all EAEU countries, there is an opportunity for Armenia to be a preferred country in which companies conduct business to gain product registration.
b.Create businesses that provide pharma and biotech companies with the services needed to complete their product registration applications and to maintain their approvals/registrations. Become a one stop shop for these companies. Services would include legal and regulatory affairs experts, writers, translators (all documents must be in Russian), IT support and so forth.c.This could create many well-paying jobs for Armenians.d.This could establish Armenia as the “go to” country for businesses wishing to expand to EAEU countries. Given that Armenia is the most internationally facing of the EAEU countries, this is a logical role for Armenia. e.This will make Armenia indispensable to the EAEU success by attracting more businesses to the EAEU.f.Once this is accomplished for pharma/biotech, the same concept can be applied to other areas.3)Create a Diaspora-Armenia Healthcare Education and Capabilities Institutea.Improvement in the quality of healthcare in Armenia is critical to attracting people to emigrate and to attracting international businesses to open offices in Armenia. No one wants to be in a country for extended periods of time unless there is high quality medical care.b.There is a glut of doctors in Armenia but very few are well trained. On the other hand,there is shortage of nurses and cultural disparagement of the nursing profession (because they compete with doctors). c.The Institute could work to fix this long-term problem and shift the healthcare culture to one of high quality, high standards, accountability and collaboration across specialties and professions.d.This would include mentoring programs with top medical experts throughout the world, exchange programs, continuingmedical education programs and so forth.e.This would include working with the Republic of Armenia government to update regulations and laws to support a system that can provide high quality medical care and that can rout out corruption.f.This would include working closely with existing educational institutions in Armenia (YSMU, AUA, etc).g.Become an avenue for Armenia healthcare professionals to gain access to technical training, information, tech support.h.To become a think tank to problem-solve Armenia’s many healthcare challenges.4)Create a Diaspora-Armenia International Affairs Institutea.Similar in concept to #3 above (Healthcare) except for International and Foreign Affairsb.This would haveavery strong strategic component that included techniques for anticipating response options for different scenarios and game-out thesescenarios.c.Couldbe an avenue for collaboration with other international affairs think tanks of global acclaim.d.A means by which to set a higher standard and higher bar for Armenian foreign affairs which will becritical to survival of theRepublic of Armenia.e.A conduit to creating relationships with other countries that will enablethose countries to be motivated to support a strong and independent and flourishing Armenia.5)Develop a Diaspora-Armenia Philanthropy Societya.Create an NGO that supports NGOs.b.One thing that was clear during the 44-day War was that the ability of the government to provide humanitarian services or even to request humanitarian assistance or to know
which humanitarian organization were available to help completely collapsed in part because there was a lack of management of NGOs. This cannot happen again.c.There is also no strategic or operational coordination of NGOs.d.Armenia and NGOs working to help the people of Armenia would benefit from establishment of such a society.e.The Republic of Armenia would need to “bless” such an endeavor and agree to work and cooperate with this endeavor.f.Similar in concept to #1 above (diaspora business park/center); in fact,some functions could be shared between #1 and #5 (e.g. educational and training services)g.NGOs play a critical role in Armenia and should be part of any emergency response strategy.
Susan J., Armenia
Как макроэкономист у меня есть определенные идеи относительно путей развития армянской экономики.
Было сделано заявление о создании инвестиционного фонда и возникает банальный вопрос: во что вкладывать деньги? Здесь в дело вступает экономист: сущность работы экономиста заключается именно в том, чтобы ограниченные ресурсы использовать с максимальной эффективностью. Если экономист не решает эту задачу, то должен собрать вещи и уйти домой.
Следовательно, направления вложения инвестиционных средств зависят от задач, которые они должны решить для страны. Так, например, в течение ближайших 10-20-и лет нам необходимо решить в Армении следующие первоочередные задачи:
1. Повышение обороноспособности страны: разработка, производство и внедрение современных систем ПВО и наступательных систем; создание профессионального командирского состава; создание профессиональной разведки и контрразведки; обеспечение определенного уровня независимости, или национальной безопасности, по энергоснабжению, воздушных перевозок, снабжению топливных и продовольственных товаров и т.д. Только высокая обороноспособность позволит сохранить суверенитет страны.
2. Производство, потребление и экспорт товаров и услуг с максимальным уровнем добавленной стоимости и максимальной конкурентоспособностью. Так, например, вместо того, чтобы просто добывать и экспортировать полезные ископаемые, необходимо обеспечить максимально глубокую обработку местных, а также импортируемых сырьевых ресурсов. Здесь важно также, что для решения данной задачи, прежде всего, необходимо:
a. Модернизировать систему обучения, начиная с детского сада;
b. Вкладывать серьезные ресурсы в развитие прикладной науки. Так, например, производство представляет собой органическое единство следующих процессов: НИОКР, сам процесс производства и реализацию.
c. Обеспечить модернизацию существующих и строительство новых инфраструктурных систем: дорог, мостов, туннелей, водохранилищ и т.д. Современные инфраструктурные системы позволяют не только снизить затратность производства товаров и оказания услуг и, тем самым, повысить конкурентоспособность местной продукции, а также производить новые товары и услуги.
d. Разработать строгие стандарты по качеству и создать эффективную систему мониторинга качества товаров и услуг.
e. Создать эффективную цифровую экономику.
3. Обеспечить максимально эффективно использования сырьевых, трудовых, земельных и прочих ресурсов. Здесь, однако, необходимо учитывать не только повышение занятости ресурсов и получение прибылей, а также фактор экологии, поскольку мы хотим не только работать в Армении, а также безопасно жить. Объективным вызовом является, что важным ресурсом для армян является диаспора: диаспора не только может стать серьезным инвестором в национальную экономику и потребителем армянской продукции, а также послом армянского производителя в зарубежных странах.
Здесь необходимо учитывать, что другие страны, прежде всего, развитые страны, не ждут нас с распростертыми руками как поставщиков высококонкурентоспособных товаров и услуг. Они ожидают о нас поставок сырьевых и трудовых ресурсов. Здесь нужно серьезно потрудиться, чтобы суметь сначала производить, а затем продавать высококонкурентоспособные товары, технологии и услуги на международных рынках.
Таким образом, я предлагаю сначала определиться с задачами, которые должны решиться посредством соответствующих инвестиций, впоследствии разработать конкретные приоритетные направления и обсудить методы финансирования: кредитование, проектное финансирование, инвестиции в ценные бумаги, краудфандинг, государственно-частное сотрудничество и т.д.